
Giovanni Acampora
Associate Professor

Dept. of Physics "Ettore Pancini"

University of Naples Federico II

Conventionality in research belongs to yesterday!

The QUASAR Lab is part of the Department of Physics "Ettore Pancini" of University of Naples Federico II,
where it is committed to perform research activities in theory and applications of
Computational Intelligence, Quantum Machine Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics.

Giovanni Acampora is Associate Professor in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Naples Federico II. Previously, he was Reader in Computational Intelligence (September 2012 - June 2016) at the School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, U.K. From July 2011 to August 2012, he was in a Hoofddocent Tenure Track in Process Intelligence with the School of Industrial Engineering, Information Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He is the Chair of IEEE - SA 1855WG, the working group that has published the first IEEE standard in the area of fuzzy logic. As a result of this activity, he got a prestigious IEEE - SA Emerging Technology Award. He serves as an Editor in Chief of Springer Quantum Machine Intelligence, Associate Editor of Springer Soft Computing and Editorial Board Member of Springer Memetic Computing, Elsevier Heliyon, Inderscience International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communication Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. In 2017, he acted as General Chair of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, the top leading conference in the area of fuzzy logic. He is member of the scientific board of the Interdepart mental Center for Advanced RObotics in Surgery (ICAROS). He is Senior Member of IEEE. His main research interests include computational intelligence, fuzzy modeling, evolutionary computation, and ambient intelligence.